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Be Cyber Safe and Responsible

The programme aims to improve the digital literacy skills of pupils, including their avoidance of, and response to, cyber-bullying, radicalization, and attempted grooming as victims or bystanders.

BeCSR & iCAM programmes

BeCSR can be used as a stand-alone project or be combined with the resources from the iCAM programme. The two complement and strengthen each other. 

BeCSR Handbook

The BeCSR Handbook is designed to support all those involved in the ICAM programme in schools, with a particular focus on safeguarding children and young people in cyberspace, online. 

It can be used as a reference document before, during and after the ICAM workshops to support a whole school programme to foster the inclusion of children affected by migration (CAM).

The BeCSR Handbook has been prepared as a supplement and complement to the existing ICAM Handbook. In this way, both resources can be blended together at a later date into a coherent whole.

How does ICAMbecsr work?


Literature Review

"...In reviewing the literature relating to children affected by migration, particularly within the context of cyber safety and responsibility, evidence points towards two key areas of focus: individual development of resilience and the agency of the other (adults and peers)..."


Core Resources

Within the ICAM & BeCSR programme a series of inter-related small group workshops have been written to support primary and secondary objectives, awareness, knowledge, and skills.


BeCSR Serious Game


Play our "choose your adventure" serious game

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.". 



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